walking around the American School (TASOK) campus on Mont Ngaliema a few months
ago, I turned up a glass bottle embedded in the soil. It was a Pepsi-Cola bottle, but Pepsi-Cola is
no longer produced in Kinshasa. It definitely ended up there after purchase at
the student store, but when and how it found its way into the woods, intact, rather
than as part of the trash piles tossed into the forest at different times, was
couple years ago, I researched a piece on the breweries in Kinshasa (June 12, 2015) and this find seemed to
suggest the soft drink scene could use a look. Who knows what threads this inquiry
might weave into a story?
early as 1913, a French company, Georges Fabre et Cie, produced soda water, ice
and flavored syrups in Kinshasa. It also operated a cinema distribution
to World War II, the Brasserie de Leopoldville produced bottled water and soft
drinks for the local market. In 1933,
when Regideso was just beginning to provide piped, treated water to the
municipality, a Brasserie advertisement urged people to drink the brewery’s
bottled water, sodas and limonades to protect against epidemics.
Advertisement in the Etoile de l'AEF, Feb. 2, 1933 |
Bottle labels from a selection of soft drinks |
1947, a bottle factory, “Bouteillerie de Leopoldville” was established by the
Brasserie de Leopoldville with support from Heineken. The factory opened on
Ave. du Camp Militaire (Ave Sgt. Moke) in November 1949. The new company contracted with A.W. Schmid
of Pittsburgh, Pa. to oversee the installation and launching of the
glass-making operation.
A view of the Boukin plant. |
the 1950s, two American firms looked at the Congo market and decided to invest
bigtime. One was the US giant, Coca-Cola,
which franchised its brand and secret recipe to the Ste. Congolaise des
Boissons in 1950. The primary investor was the Sucrière du Bas Congo, the sugar
plantation established at Moerbeke-Kwilu. Other investors included companies which
were also part of the ultimate colonial holding company, the Société Générale de
Belgique (SGB), including Profrigo, Cie. du Kasai and Belgo-Katanga, as well as
an American firm called Industrial Sales Corp, the arm of the Compagnie du
Congo pour le Commerce et l’Industrie in the US, another SGB holding. Maurice
Michaux, who operated a major grocery and food importing company in
Leopoldville also subscribed to several shares. The plant opened in 1956 at 28
Ave. Olsen (Kabasele Tshamala), the road to Ndolo Airport, not far from where
the US Consulate was located at the time (See Jan. 29, 2011).
Patrice Lumumba leaving a rally at a bar in Leopoldville in 1960 (possibly the OK Bar on Ave Itaga) |
US bottler, Pepsi Cola, conducted a prospecting survey in Congo in 1948 but
opted initially to focus on East Africa.
It came to Congo in 1952 under the auspices of Maurice Alhadeff, a
naturalized American citizen originally from Rhodes who moved to Leopoldville
from Elisabethville (Lubumbashi) in 1949 where he ran a string of
businesses. In Leopoldville, he
developed a number business interests, including ready-to-wear clothing
affordable to the Congolese consumer (Aug. 5, 2011). Pepsi built its bottling plant on Ave. Charles De Gaulle (Ave du
Commerce), in the main commercial district. Pepsi-Cola International launched a
$75 million ad campaign in Africa at this time in which even local drums in Belgian
Congo were tagged with the Pepsi logo.
In 1957, Pepsi’s CEO, Alfred Steele visited Africa, stopping in
Leopoldville on the way to Johannesburg with his wife, the actress Joan
Crawford. Alhadeff facilitated their visit and presented the couple with a wood
carving from his extensive collection. The
following year, Alhadeff provided Pepsis for the kids at the Fourth of July
party organized by American Men’s Club.
An order for bottle caps. |
Alhadeff (r.) at the Pepsi plant |
King Baudouin visits Leopoldville in 1955.
The Pepsi-Cola and Martini neon signs were visible from Stanley Monument 10 kilometers away. |
investor in the soft drink market was the Compagnie Coloniale Belge, also known
as PEK, which operated a prestigious retail store on Ave Beernaert (See Nov. 9, 2011). This firm
established a Canada Dry plant on Ave Olsen, just up the street from the Coca
Cola bottler. The Brasserie de
Leopoldville, for its part, came out with a tangerine flavored drink called
“Verigoud”. The new Bracongo Brewery,
established in 1954, came out with a line of soft drinks called “Bako” later
“Djino” and now “World Cola”.
A body-builder at the Funa Club holding a Verigoud bottle. A Jean Depara photo. |
addition to his business ventures, Maurice Alhadeff was an important patron of
Congolese artists. He provided aspiring
carvers and painters with tools and materials and then purchased their
work. He advocated for a national museum
and art institute to house the voluminous collection of traditional artifacts
collected by the Musée de Vie Indigene (Sep. 12, 2011). He supported, among
others, Nkusu Felelo, Francois Thango and Bela. In 1957, when the future President of the
post-independence Senate, Isaac Kalonji, was preparing for an exposure trip to
the United States, Alhadeff presented him with a painting by Albert Mongita to offer
to President Eisenhower. Just prior to Independence in June 1960, my father met
Alhadeff when he purchased of checked shirts and denim jeans for an
Independence event and we received a mask and a carving from his extensive
Maurice Alhadeff in his office. |
after Congo’s Independence, the U.S. State Department organized a good will
cultural tour through West and Central Africa, headlining the jazz trumpeter
Louis Armstrong and his All Stars band.
In 1957, Armstrong cancelled a tour sponsored by the State Department to
the Soviet Union, faulting the Federal Government’s lack of response to
Governor Orval Faubus’ defiance of the Supreme Court’s desegregation order in
Arkansas. Now with the “winds of change”
bringing Independence to most of the colonial possessions on the continent, Armstrong
accepted a joint sponsorship by the State Department and Pepsi Cola International. Louis arrived in Leopoldville by ferry from
Brazzaville on October 28, 1960 with his spouse Lucille.
Mongita, now Director of Cultural Affairs for the Congolese government, met the
Armstrongs in traditional costume at the ferry landing. Things were tense. The country was in the midst of a
constitutional crisis; President Kasavubu and Prime Minister Lumumba had sacked
each in September and Joseph Mobutu had staged his first coup to neutralize the
two. The United Nations peace-keeping mission
was trying to find its footing and a rash of strikes were crippling both the
public and private sector. There were food shortages in the city and across the
country, as well. Armstrong and his band claimed to have stopped the war for 24
hours – hyperbole perhaps -- but the concert in Stade Baudouin certainly did
bring out the crowds from the city.
Albert Mongita greets Armstrong at the FIMA beach. Lucille is behind Armstrong on the right. |
The FIMA ferry in July 1960 during the mass exodus of expatriates after Independence. |
Armstrong carried into Stade Baudouin on a modernized Tipoy. |
the end of June 1961, Congo’s first anniversary of Independence, the Miss Leo 1961
pageant was organized in Parc De Bock across from the Zoo (Feb. 6, 2011).
Bracongo Breweries (Polar) sponsored the Negro Success band, Pepsi sponsored the Jecokat
orchestra while Canada Dry paid for the announcement in the Courier d’Afrique
Advertisement for the Miss Leo 1961 pageant in the Courier d'Afrique newspaper. |
Mlle. Sophie Mbata, Miss Leopoldville 1961 - Her card says "La nouvelle bouteille hostesse" |
The following September, Pepsi Cola sponsored an exhibit of Congolese artists at its headquarters in New York City, which featured some of Alhadeff’s protégés, including six pieces by Francois Thango. Some critics charged that Alhadeff was only generating more knock-offs for the tourist trade, but international recognition of some of his artists demonstrated that finding talent required a large net.
Market scene by Thango |
The Ivory Market at Place Braconnier. |
The Ivory Market in the early 1960s - note several UN soldiers looking for bargains. |
Independence, the soda bottlers continued to expand their production in
response to the burgeoning Kinshasa market.
By 1970, the Coca Cola bottler recorded sales up 59% from the previous
year. The Pepsi plant, Boissons
Nationales, had a daily production of 3,600 cases. The Zairianization in November 1973 presented
a problem for Pepsi. Ostensibly an
international corporation and exempt from the nationalization measures, it was
a franchise of the Alhadeff interests. Alhadeff had died in 1972, but the
family incorporated American Alhadeff in Delaware in an attempt to protect the
family investments.
A sidewalk cafe outside the Diacomichalis building on Boulevard Albert. |
Another Jean Depara photo taken outside the Afro Negro Night Club on Ave De Gaulle. |
independent bottlers were in the crux of market forces. Canada Dry (Mineral Kin) does not appear to
have survived the Zairianization in 1974. Coca-Cola, now Indus Boissons, was
acquired by Bralima in 1992 and Pepsi’s Bonal in 1998. The Coca-Cola brand is everywhere in
Kinshasa, but Pepsi disappeared from the market (except for imported canned
drinks). New players include Industrie des Boissons au Congo, operating out of
the former Bata shoe factory on Ave. des Poids Lourds (the fate of that company
another story in itself). In addition to producing the new Coke Zero on the
local market, Bralima’s primary innovation is upscale marketing of the Vital’O
grenadine soda.
Bralima's Vital'O on Ave. Lukusa. |
Entrance to the old Pepsi plant on Ave. du Commerce. The detail in the guardhouse on the right attests to its former glory. |
Pepsi crate as a TV stand for a sentinelle's post. |
took my bottle to Boukin, the successor to the Bouteillerie de Leopoldville, to
see if they could identify my bottle. The people I talked to were skeptical. We only produce bottles for Bralima and each
one should have the Heineken star on it, they said. The most senior guy had worked for the
company 20 years. Returning home, I found a diamond shape with a five-pointed
star on the bottom of the bottle. Not discouraged, I found someone who could
connect me with a former manager of the factory. He explained that Boukin has operated uninterrupted since its founding and was purchased by Heineken in 1988. During its 70-year history, Bouleo-Boukin
produced all the glass beverage bottles in Kinshasa, including Pepsi and other
competitors, as well as for the pharmaceutical industry. My bottle would have been produced at Boukin
and judging from the style of the logo, probably made in the 1960s.
A selection of Boukin's production on display. |
Today, plastic competes with glass on the Kinshasa soft drink market and one can even buy Bralima beverages in glass bottles retail without a deposit. Sing the praises of returnables. Kinshasa’s storm drains and water channels choke with plastic detritus.